Southern Adelaide Gynaecology

Suite 204, Ground Floor, Flinders Private Hospital


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Our Services

Keeping women’s health front and centre

Dr Rob Carey, Southern Adelaide Gynaecology
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How we can help you

Southern Adelaide Gynaecology can help you with the following:


Dr Carey is a trained colposcopist and currently holds accreditation through the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Colposocpy Quality Control. As part of his training, Dr. Carey completed special interest studies in Colposocpy and treatment of cervical abnormalities.

What is a colposcopy?
A colposcopy is a close examination of a woman’s cervix (neck of the womb) to help identify any abnormalities using a special magnifying instrument called a colposcope.

Why is a colposcopy done?
Dr Carey or your GP may recommend you have a colposcopy after an abnormal Cervical Screening test or because of symptoms such as bleeding from the cervix or bleeding after sex. Cervical Screening Tests are screening tests for changes in the cells of the cervix, and an ‘abnormal’ result means microscopic changes were seen in some cells or human papilloma virus were detected.

A colposcopy helps a gynaecologist to make an assessment of the cervix to determine:

  • whether there is an abnormality and what type of abnormality (minor or more serious)
  • if a biopsy should be taken and where the biopsy should be taken from
  • if further treatment is needed.

Urinary incontinence and prolapse

With up to 40% of women suffering from uterine prolapse in their lives, this is a very common but difficult to discuss topic. Dr Carey is very aware of the concerns his patients have regarding both urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. As part of his training, Dr. Carey completed special interest studies in management of pelvic floor disorders and urinary incontinence and is currently a Staff Specialist in the Urogynaecology team at Flinders Medical Centre.

Abnormal bleeding (menstrual and post-menopausal)

Abnormal bleeding affects women of all ages. Dr Carey is happy to provide advice, support and care to women with abnormal bleeding regardless of their age. From teenagers and young adults to women trying to conceive a family to women approaching menopause to women who are post- menopausal, Dr Carey will listen to your concerns and desires are work with you to provide a unique care plan. Dr. Carey is very happy to discuss with you uterine sparing and non-hormonal management of your abnormal bleeding.

Vulval medicine

Despite the frequency of vulval symptoms, women often find it difficult to obtain specialist medical advice for these conditions. Dr Carey is very happy to manage conditions such as Lichen Planus, Lichen Sclerosis, and other conditions presenting with pain or itch. He is very aware of the impact that these conditions have on patients and their family relationships.


Menopause is a significant time of change in women’s lives. Dr Carey has an interest in providing care and support to women and their families throughout this important part of their lives. He is a member of the Australian Menopause Society and regularly participates in their professional development activities.


Dr Carey has experience in providing tailored patient advice and care in contraception. He is very happy managing long-acting reversible contraception along with sterilisation procedures.

Pelvic pain and Endometriosis

Pelvic pain and endometriosis is an important condition affecting more than 1 in 10 women. Dr. Carey has experience in both non-surgical and surgical management of these conditions.

Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Dr Carey has completed a 2 year fellowship in advanced laparoscopic surgery under the direction of pioneers of laparoscopic surgery A/Prof O’Shea and A/Prof Šeman. During this time he has also worked under cutting edge surgeon Dr. Behnia-Willison. During his training, he has developed a unique skill set which enables him to provide appropriate care for all patients. Although specialising in minimally invasive surgery he still maintains an advanced skill set in open surgery and is involved with the Invasive Placenta team through his public appointment at Flinders Medical Centre.

Vaginal surgery (prolapse and incontinence)

Dr. Carey is able to provide several surgical techniques for both vaginal prolapse and urinary incontinence. This ranges from bladder botox injection in specific patients through to vaginal and or key hole surgery for management of these conditions. He has access to a multi-displinary surgical team for complicated surgery where required.

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If you are interested in making an appointment with us, please visit our Appointments page for details regarding referrals, information to bring to your first appointment, and location.

Southern Adelaide Gynaecology


(08) 8299 0070


(08) 8299 0086



Flinders Private Hospital
Suite 204, Ground Floor